Want to Grow In The Word?
Study to show yourself approved, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
The more we know of the Bible the more we are able to have our Faith ignite its truthes to life for us and others. While just knowing some facts alone wont do it, but believing and putting to good use the life giving promises ...

Many people come in to the Kingdom
of God
so hungry to know more. They want to
where to start and grow quickly in there
faith. Infusion
was developed to meet that need.
INFUSION Fast Track is a vibrant faith building
that has effectively helped many in their walk with Christ. (more)...
Group Bible Studies
Monthly home groups meet through out the area.
Homes who host them often share meals with their guest.
Video curriculum is used to offer life giving teaching.
For information on groups & teachings currently offered
contact the church office at (337) 582-2090
Men's Bible Study
Every Monday night @ 7pm our men get together for a time of in-depth study
through the scripture. The host of this Bible study
also provides a meal often featuring
prime Louisiana Game; like duck, crawfish & aligator.
Contact the church office for driving directions. (337)582-2090

Your passion & hunger for for Christ
has continued to grow? So we set out to make more available.
International School of Ministry anticipated the need
and prepared a video curriculum for training up believers in a
solid Biblical walk right inside the local church.
No longer do people have to uproot and move far away to recieve
solid Biblical training for ministry. Now Christians
can join with other believers in their own local
church to gain greater instruction for ministering to
today's culture. I.S.O.M.'s purpose is preparing people
to minister for vision God has called them to,
at home and around the globe.
E-mail: Cotp@Centurytel.net